Have the net surface area of the walls of a space

Hi all,

I have a problem to have in revit the areas walls of a spaces.

I talk about the clean areas without opening (doors or Windows).

I know that we can do it with Roombook.

Did you have a method to have them directly in revit, with a dynamo for example.?

I want to have them in a parameter in revit in a schudle.

Have you an idea please?

Best regards.

Probably easiest to calculate the wall area from the Space and then subtract any openings.

Hi Nick,
Thanks for your answer.
But when I have thousands spaces in my project I can’t do it manualy!

I mean with Dynamo. Get your Spaces and get the windows/doors in those spaces. Calculate the wall area from the available Space parameters and the window/door openings from their respective families and then do the math.

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Oh yes, but I’m new in Dynamo :slightly_smiling_face:
Can you tell me which nodes I need to use for that?

Try doing some research on your own first. Most of this process will just be getting parameter values from the elements and doing the math. The Dynamo Primer is a great place to learn the basics and get you started.

Thanks Nick for your help.
I will follow your advice.
have a good moment!

I go over some of the steps in this post, but as I mention there this isn’t really a great ‘first graph’ as there is a lot of complexity along the way.

Hi Jacob,

Thanks for your precious help.

I will tray to follow your steps.

Best regards

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