Calculate walls area for wall painting

Hello everyone, i’m trying to figure out how to calculate the wall surfaces in my project in order to calculate the total area for paintwall, I want to obtain the internal area for external walls and the area for both sides of internal walls. At this point I’ve achived the area for one side of any wall, I’m looking for duplicate the internal walls area.
Thanks everyone.

Hello, Just saw this post. If you didnt solved it, Revit, or any other BIM software, is not made for calculationg surfaces. This is a huge challenge, when you work with building operations. We need net areas for painting, net areas on floors, ceilings and so on…

How I solved this, was to start with the room object, and for walls you take room perimeter times room height. Then you collect all doors, windows, casework that is associated (room calculation point) with that room, calculate the areas for those and subtract it from the wall(room) area.

Hope it can help you.

Thanks for closing an old loop. There are a few ways to do this, but likely best to bring it up in a new topic rather than surfacing an old one as Dynamo has come a LONG way in those 5 years.

I’m closing this out now, but feel free to share in a new topic.

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