I really like this,
What do you think?
In UK i would say I saw higher level of BIM in engineering companies specially MEP and structures, and architects are still very traditional visual work with drawings and presentations focused in geometries but not data on elements and not elements as they are going to be built, loads of rework stupidest, even asking COBIE data sounds like an UFO so what do you expect for construction? People taking drawings and measuring with a ruler and calculator to produce bill of materials and rest of estimations of cost, sometimes impossible to use models for planning 4D, details and things like wall finishes still specified with line sketches on 2D drawings, so call a troop to bim coordinators to see if they resolve the nightmare in a rush
Until you can sign, seal and get a permit on a model, we’re stuck in the realm of PDF and paper. That is the contract document. So, the overhaul goes way beyond just producing solid data rich models. It will take some very basic changes in the laws and government.
50 Dynamo scripts you have to keep running? Say it ain’t so! A shout out to IUpdaters - seamless.
The transition is happening at the software level. Revit’s days are numbered. You can see it in the API. Autodesk will cease to be a desktop software provider. They will become an API platform. Much like Amazon AWS. Each firm will have its own software or versions of some 3rd party app or you’ll just logon to a manufacture’s web site like Assa Abloy and use the tools they provide. Get your doors here, windows over there, grab some walls at USG. All sitting on top of a Autodesk web service. And the same services will build cars, planes and furniture. Hence the reason ForgeTypeID was grafted into Revit.
It’s a great talk and Havard has always been ahead of the curve in his insights and actions. Whilst a lot of what they do is still Revit based their other related companies and themselves are building in a way that could serve any suitable platform (BIM beats by autonomation is a related product/company to Reope).
We will be stuck for paper for a long time i think, until governments evolve or are toppled by a more progressive organisational structure (my money is on the latter) when we finally realise most of the worlds problems stem from poor world leadership and corruption that comes with it (just my opinion).
I agree with Aaron that Autodesk seems to be losing interest in developing their own software, mostly acquiring products that tend to go on life support quite early (here’s watching you, Forma). I doubt they have a future in purely API development, as an API depends on its source platform to be used.
The future of software is and is becoming fragmented, but product market fit is a serious issue for the various unicorn startups to satisfy currently, as they tend not to get enough customers to develop into a final stage solution like Revit has become. The next platform that is accepted will challenge BIM and much of what it stands for in order to turn enough customers onto it, we’re talking an industry X.0 sort of change. My money is on proper dfma integration and it may do away with much of design architecture and engineering.
I am certain that in 10 years time a lot of people will still be using Revit, although I would expect by then the world will have changed to a point which demands change at a governance and industry level. Material shortages, labor pressures, tech hype cycles and inflation all point to the need for change.