Group vs Dynamo

I believe this is a question many users have regarding GRUPO vs DYNAMO. To explain my problem, I created a very simple routine to modify a wall parameter. However, it works with the wall that is not in the group, but the walls that are in the group does not work. See the image below:

According to my routine in Dynamo, I need to click on the “UNGROUP” option to make the desired change. So, that’s why I’m getting in touch here on the forum to ask the following question:
Is it possible to make a change to the parameter of an element that is within a group? I don’t want to ungroup and create the group again. Just change the element parameter. It’s possible?


Groups are horrible in the Revit api.
As far as I know it isnt possible.

I thought you could alter instance parameters even if it was grouped. What other changes are you making?

Is ‘varies by group instance’ true for the parameter?

Hello, pyXam,

So, all the instance parameters that are within the group I cannot change. This is an example that I posted here on the forum. The objective of this post is to understand whether in the development carried out by Dynamo it is possible to change the parameters within the group

Hello, jacob.small,

I didn’t understand your post. What did you want to ask?

See two bullet points under step 8 here: Help

I understood what you mentioned in your post, by changing one element in the group, all other elements will be changed. But, let’s imagine that I have several walls grouped with different group names. You would have to enter group by group to change the instance parameter. This is not good. See the image below of a small project.

Here I have 23 groups of walls and I would have to enter them one by one.
Hence my need to run via Dynamo by changing the parameters. Is there any other solution?
Note: I have projects with more than 180 grouped walls.

Not quite. I believe that parameters which are set to vary by group instance allow editing their values on an instance level without entering group edit mode. Otherwise you have to enter group edit mode and ALL instances are changed.

So, the original question stands: is the parameter set to vary by group instance? My gut says ‘no’ as it modified the geometry, which is not something which is allowed. You can try to verify this yourself by selecting a wall instance manually and editing that value yourself. If it isn’t editable in the UI, it isn’t in the API (or at least not with significant edits).

And as group edit mode is t available in the API, you’re at an impasse of sorts, and should instead revisit your process in a larger context.

This is exactly what I imagined and your contribution was excellent. I really needed to understand that group edit mode is not available in the REVIT API (at least from what we know to date). Who knows the future.
And I’m definitely reviewing my development process.


Anyone else want to contribute to this post?

I can confirm it isn’t possible at this time.

I was hoping it would get added to the API when the edit sketch mode was, but it is a few orders of magnitude more complex than sketch edit mode was, to the point of needing more resources and time and even prep work to prevent channels for significant data corruption.

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