I am aware that this topic has been discussed before (approx 5 years ago) but I couldn’t find a clear solution for the problem.
I’ve made the following script, which takes all the Curtain Walls inside the filtered Model Groups and changes its parameters called “Comments” to the same name as the Model Group’s name.
Now the problem is; the moment I run the script, Revit is forcing me to Ungroup the Model Groups in order to be able to change the parameters of the Curtain Walls in those Model Groups. It’s doing this with the following error:
Now the only solution I am able to find and think of is by ungrouping and regrouping the Model Groups with the same name after changing the parameters of the Curtain Walls. And also deleting the previous Model Groups so there won’t be any duplicate names of different Model Groups inside the project.
Could anyone help me out?