Group Parallel Lines by Connection/ Alignment

Is there a way to group parallel lines by its location/ alignment/ or if they are connected to each other


1.a-Line 1
1.b-Line 2
1.c-Line 3
1.d-Line 4

Line 1-4 is parallel to each other

  • Line 1 & 2 is connected
  • Line 3 & 4 is connected to each other as well


1.a-Line 1
1.b-Line 2

2.a-Line 3
2.b-Line 4

Hi @i.pearli ,

The springs package contains a good node to create sublists of ‘joined’ curves with a specifiable tolerance value. Cant remember the exact name but it should be something like group curves.

However, i dont really understand what you mean by “i want to group parallel curves”, “1 and 4 are curved” and then they arent in the same sublist in the result?

Please redefine/ rephrase when to group curves in a sublist with other curves.