I have some lines I would like to make 1 line of or get the min and max point of but I do not know how I can group this correctly. Does anyone have an idea?
From the different mini-lines left (3 groups, the mini-lines are connected so distance is 0) I would like to create the 3 big lines on the right. If there are more lines or more groups it should also work.
The lines have 1 similar point, but are different lines in the list. It’s one big list and my biggest question is how do you sort it in a way to convert the right lines to a polycurve.
These are the lines/points I am actually working with.
If the lines actually connect then Group Curves (from archi-lab) should do everything for you. If they don’t actually connect and are just really close, you may have to modify them a little bit or do some manual grouping.