this is a great and a reference reply, i need to read it more than once and i’ll.
Also i would like to take your opinion about a dynamo script i created and it acts very weird, as it crashes when i select more than an amount of faces i don’t know how many.
It crashes and closes the revit immediately, and this is very weird because i’ve created a lot of much more complicated scripts like triple of this one, i’ve created and auto join script, auto paint script and very very complicated scripts but they didn’t act like this, this seems very very simple comparing to other scripts i use.
It crashes various versions of revit in various computers i have. I really don’t know why
If you please can download the script and that simple revit file with some walls and test it and check if it will act the same with you. I’ll be very thankful for that.
This script is to draw some model lines in the facade faces of walls, this is something we do need as per our standards. the script is to collect some faces you should select by data-shapes UI select faces, and choose an offset which is 20mm by default, just like that nothing more or less.
but it crashes when i select many faces as i mentioned
i just need to know where is the problem
it works with revit up to 2022.1
Elevations Hidden Lines v1.7.script.dyn (732.0 KB)
Elevations Hidden Lines.rvt (5.6 MB)
Super Join Curves.dyf (93.8 KB)