Hi everyone, I wanna calculate area of duct fitting. I got trouble when extract surface that connection point locate. Example: I have an elbow and it has 2 connection point, but with my script it only extracts one of them instead two. Does anyone can help me ?
Hello @tve-69 and welcome to the forum…whitch package is connector point from ?
I got it from archilab, is it different? Can you let me know which the package Connector.Location from ? Thank you !
Yeah i use mepover in this example here, but guess you can find similar in OpenMep package
that right !. Bc i want this script can apply for all fitting, so my idea is finding all surfaces area and minus 2 surfaces connection area. But I have gotten trouble in step 2
it output null, omg. Is this issue revelant to dynamo version ?
I tried, but the result is the same. so sad !!!
01.REC Elbow(C Flanged).rfa (440 KB)
this is my family, can you try use it for your script
try set your lacing to cross in "does intersect node
should work as here on your fitting
you can calculate as well mepover have node for rect connector size as well
Thanks for your help. I finished, but it will be exactly for one element. If there are many elements, i will be wrong. Do you have any advice for me ?
Thank you very much ! i have completed it.