Getting Area geometry/topology/boundaries

I’m trying to identify if an object lies within an area or not, but can’t convert Revit Areas into something I can use in Dynamo. Any thoughts on how to proceed?


Had to make a slight change to my Room.Boundaries node, but now it should work. You’ll need the latest version of Clockwork, of course.


Thanks Andreas. That works perfectly.

Now I need to test for Levels, and since I am using Generic Annotations I can’t get that data. Generic Annotations are hosted by views, and I can’t find a method for getting Levels from Views. In short, I’m trying to move data from an Area to a Generic Annotation, based on the Annotation’s location. Anyone have any idea how I can do that?

If I had skills and brains left after AU, I would use the FamilyInstance.Location and test against Level Elevations, but no such luck.


Looks like I’m updating Clockwork almost every day this week. :wink:

Download the latest version and try the Element.Level node again - it should be able to handle plan views now.


I’m trying to use this same technique to test if an element is within a fill region. I don’t know that much about the UV conversion process but it seems to be changing the fill region into a rectangle? Is there a better way to test if an element is within a free form poly?




Hello David,

You could try converting the boundaries into surfaces and then evaluating them with the “Geometry.DoesIntersect” node: