Getting an error on the Node ModelText.ByCoordinateSystem

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to place some text to 3D objects by the help of Camber package in Dynamo for Civil 3D. For this purpose I used ModelText.ByCoordinateSystem node and I connected the node to the CoordinateSystem.Rotate. As you see in the attached image, the CoordinateSystem.Rotate returns the (x,y,z) coordinates but the node ModelText.ByCoordinateSystem returns null, with the error message “ModelText.By Coordinate System operation failed. Füllflächen konnten nicht erstellt werden. :API_FAILED – operation unsuccessful”. I would be very grateful, if anyone could help me in this regard.

Ps: My Dynamo version is DYNAMO v.2.15.1 for Civil 3D 2023 version.

Best regards,

Hi @kasra.valadi,

  1. Can you confirm that the geometry scaling settings in Dynamo are set to medium?

  2. If that doesn’t fix it, are you able to share your DWG file and DYN graph? Feel free to DM me if you don’t want to share publicly.

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Hello @zachri.jensen,
many thanks, the problem is solved by setting the geometry scaling to small. :slight_smile:

Glad to hear it. Does it work with Medium? If so, I recommend leaving it there since that is the default. Changing to another setting can result in some unwanted behavior with data sets that have large coordinate values.

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Thanks for your recommendation and support. Yes it works with medium as well, so I keep it. :slight_smile: