Get the value of description parameter of a construction phase

I’ve been trying to extract the value of Description parameter of a construction phase, so far with no success. I tried simply to use the node GetParameterValueByName, but that returns no result. Turns out that the node Element.Parameters doesn’t actually list the Description parameter.

Here is what I tried in Dynamo:

This is what my Phases dialog in Revit looks like:

It follows that for Phase 3 I want to return the text value ‘Neubau SPW - Bohren’ in Dynamo. Can anyone tell me how that can be done?

  1. Isn’t this just a matter of using a more descriptive naming convention in your Phases?

  2. I would start by exploring if the Phase element has access to a few more BuiltIn properties?
    Phase Members

I don’t think this would be the field, since this PROPERTY_SET_DESCRIPTION will probably be the filed in the Instance Properties panel.

currently, there is no access to this property with Revit API

Hi, thanks for the reply. Can you be certain of that? I didn’t find the parameter in apidocs among neither the properties of the Phase class, nor it’s parent Element class. Does that always mean I can’t acces the parameter or is the reason more complicated?

The property is not implemented in Revit API

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Hi, thanks for the reply.

  1. Yeah, it’s an option, but it’s not just up to me. I was asked to investigate the possibility of having multiple sets of phases within one file representing different workflows that can partially overlap. One approach I came up with requires the name to get more complex and I would prefer to separate some of the information. I wanted to store a time identifier in the description, because as opposed to the name it doesn’t have to be unique.
  2. I’m pretty ignorant of the apidocs, but I do have some rudimentary programming knowledge. Are you implying that I can access more builtin parameters than listed under Properties of the Phase class?

Thanks, I believe that, but I’d like to understand a bit better. Incase I want to access a different parameter of a different class in the future, how can I tell if it’s been implemented in the API? Is there a straightforward way to tell for sure just from looking in the apidocs or is the only option to have a guy from a forum tell me?

For starters, check the API documentation site hosted by Gui Talarico,

In this case you should start by looking into the phase class and see what options are available there. Check for any other classes which contain phase in them as well - some times stuff gets buried in the larger application.

After that, create a Revit API forum post asking the larger ADN and/or a post here, and if those come up empty then finally make a Revit Ideas Station posting to flag the need for this to be exposed.


Thanks, that helps a lot with the general understanding of the ecosystem!