I’m triing to extract an Identity Data parameter from my elements, but it is not working. My main goal is to fill out the “Description” parameter values with Dynamo, but it won’t find this parameter. Even when i list all of my element parameters from a particular elemets, none of the Identity Data parameters are showing up.
Yes. This is what i have done this morning. But i still feel, I’m using some unnecessary twisted logic. My goal is to get the Family Name and Type parameters, merge them, and write this new text to the Description parameter.
Is there a way to simplify my code?
(Don’t worry about the warnings. They are caused by two things.
I included built in families
The script has already run, so my list, without description is empty)
Its worth noting that the Archilab.Element.Type node is used to return the family types, whereas the e.GetCategory & e.Name methods are used to return the family type values that are used to SetParameterByName
If you feed Archilab.Element.Type a list of categories the first index will return correctly e.Name correctly but the following categories will be null