Get the current selected elements

I am working on a project where i need to the get the current selected elements in a floorView , with dynamo.

I’m using Revit 2023

Does anyone knows how can i do this, do i have to install a pacakge?
If yes, what package?


Hello @miguel.bc.silvestre and welcome to the forum…you could try this one here from spring…


This should work in Revit 2023 using either of the Python engines (from Crumple - Revit.Selection). Probably similar to Spring nodes implementation.

# Made by Gavin Crump
# Free for use
# BIM Guru,

# Boilerplate text
import clr

import Revit

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager 

# Current doc/app/ui
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
uiapp = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication 
uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument

# Get selection
selected = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds()

# Return elements
result = []

for id in selected:
	e = doc.GetElement(id).ToDSType(True)

# Preparing output to Dynamo
OUT = result
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Springs node is here…dont know if it work in all engines

Looks like a slightly more comprehensive version that either returns a single object or a list, so might be a bit more advantageous than mine in the event the user selects one object and wants a flat list structure.

yes…but both works great :wink:

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thank, for your answers , where very helpful

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Hi @sovitek ,

Sorry, I know this thread is a few months old. But I am just wondering if, is it possible to make this script to be kind of a one shot script? What I mean is, every time we hit the Run button it will reset or clear the current list of elements before getting another set of selected element in the model. No need to set the boolean node from True to False and vice versa. tia

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Not within a Dynamo script between runs. The node will only re-run in the same session if its inputs have changed, that’s pretty much the purpose of that boolean input.


You can do this a few different ways.

  1. Data-Shapes “Force Run” option in their view extension tab.



  1. Using the Dynamo API: See this post Force Run Python