Get RVT Links

Hi everyone!

Credits to Remove RVT links, Delete RVT links entirely from Revit file, From Directory Open / Remove all DWG links / Reload all RVT links / Save as Central.

However, I am bewildered how to get Revit links by using any of the shown methods.

As it is shown, there is no such problem with reading CAD links for some reason.


Others may have better monitors or eyesight, but personally, I can’t read any of the node names in your screenshot so it’s not clear where you’re stuck or what issue you’re having.

Zoom in so one node name and it’s output data is clearly visible, and then use the “export canvas as image” button (looks like a camera in the top right) to get a good graph image. Don’t worry about all nodes being visible - the exported image will capture the entirety of the workspace.

Sorry, my bad.
To make it more confusing, it works on another model…
The key issue - How/why it is possible to see the links on the Manage Links tabs, but not “possible” to retrieve via basic Dynamo nodes?

have you tried this?
