Get Railing.RailingType with native Nodes


I want to get Railing.RailingType with native nodes. The WombatDynamo Package provides the solutions but on every restart one more railing type will get generated which result in a warning.

Thats why i want to get Railing.RailingType with native nodes or with a python code.

The Top of the script is my input for creating a railing:

Thank you :slight_smile:

@rndix ,

just use codeblock


you can sort or group them by key…



Thank you. But i want to exchange the custom node from WombatDynamo to the native nodes. And i also want to have the Railing Type from the Native Nodes as input for the Railing.ByPathTypeAndLevel from the Wombat Package.

After restartiong dynamo i get problems with the Railin Types Node from Wombat. That’s why i want to change it to native nodes.

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@rndix ,

you can use clockwork as alternative

you would be able to modify - copy/paste - the python code



Perfect. Thank you!

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