Get element types in background .rfa document

Hi Mark. I have been working on this during the weekend. I already consulted the site you suggested
and I was able to unwrap the elements as you indicated, with a simple additional python node:

code would be:

import clr

Import ToDSType(bool) extension method

import Revit

wrappedElement = IN[0]
unwrappedElement = UnwrapElement( wrappedElement )

OUT = unwrappedElement

so that does give me the extrusions I am after, directly from background family documents, however, when it comes to associating shared parameters to those, it is proving difficult, I am trying to use the code in this thread, but it’s written for a different workflow (working in the current document as opposed to background ones)

anyway, I think I am violating the forum rules, I probably should follow up with a new topic, I appreciate your help!

Best regards