Get all Elements on Face/Hosted

Looking to see if there’s a way to get all elements that are attached/hosted to a Face/Hosted of Element.

Example: 10" Wall has (10) Structural Connections hosted to it.

I have done this by finding all hosted Elements throughout the model and then find the its Host, then be able to filter out by Element.ID. The issue with this is that I have 40x more hosted Elements than hosts and it has to process that information every Run to create by lists to filter from. Essentially I am trying to cut down on processing time.

Element.GetHostedElements is not working for what I am after.

Hello @RAugustine try with element.dependend.element or with some intersect… @albertrr2321 im not really sure what you mean with

Try something here

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Pure ChatGPT answer? :thinking:

assuming that this is confirmed, for information on the Autodesk French (maybe on all) forum this type of response automatically generated by AI without any proofreading effort is likely to be moderated


Yes Cyril, thats what i think as well :wink:

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I ended using an approach similar to how you have explained above before being able to read your response. I am glad we are on the same page. Yes this worked out well and sped things up by 10x in some cases.

lol, this is not in the Revit API (as far as I know, I am okay with being wrong). It seems like you are making up API calls in a way that ChatGPT does.