Hi I tried sweeping circle.It works but when i select W shape profile,like we have in road side barriers,It says profile is not valid.
Can only simple shapes be sweeped to solids in Dynamo
Another thing in AUtocad we get option while sweeping to select basepoint ,o we have this in dynamo
Hard to say without seeing your current profile’s location. Relative to the curve, and what node you are using to try and sweep the profile.
I can confirm this is possible but you may have to reconfigure your graph to get it working.
Hi Thanks
I looked someother post and changed scaling to medium from Large.Now it works Any suggestin to control the basepoint as in autocad?
No need for the Object.Copy here.
Draw the profile at the origin, on the XY plane with the ‘origin’ equal to the placement point.
Use a Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter node to find the coordinate system at the start of the curve.
Use a Geometry.Transform node to shift the located profile into position on the curve.
Sweep the transformed profile.
Great Thanks.I will explore these.
Object copy just for explanation is the copy of centreline where fundaments of gaurd rail will be placed.This was not the complete graph.
Thnaks again,i will check there suggestions
One more thing.If i make profile in XY plane ,will it not be sweeped horizontaly))Do i need to change the plane to Z perpendicularly to the alignmnet where it needs to be sweeped.
I saw this in some dicussions
If I recall correctly the coordinate system at parameter should have it’s Z axis tangent to the curve, so drawing on the XY is likely correct because when you transform the global Z will align to the local Z of the coordinate system.
If my memory is off and the Y axis is tangent then you’ll want to draw on the XZ plane instead of the XY, or transform the XY oriented profile to a XZ profile.
Onelas t thing to solve this.When i try using curve.point at segment length on Polyline with curve.It doesnot take equal length on curves,on straight line its fine.Any suggestions
Not sure what you’re doing here as that node should only return on point, and the distance along the curve should be equally functional. Certainly not related to this topic though so please start a new topic providing a sample dyn and data set to reproduce the issue.