I am very new to dynamo i want to create a thicken surface from floors but i want to offset that surface from the selected floor from each side i want a result like i shown in the image.
this thing i want to do for a end result and my end result is i want to get the rooms which intersects that geometries the offset thing i want because dynamo always select all the rooms which are just touching the surfaces.
Select face > Surface.PerimeterCurves > Polycurve.ByJoinedCurves > Curve.Offset > Surface.ByPatch > Surface.Offset > Surface.Thicken (include the BothSides override or use a Surface.ExtrudeAsSolid instead).
Note that it may be faster to take the outline of the rooms, convert those to a polycurve, offset it slightly, and test for intersection with the floor surface (lower geometric complexity because no solids to deal with).