Geometry fillet edges


This is more a Revit question, Any suggestion how to create fillet edges in Revit as per picture below?
Ideally would be to be created in native Revit environment as a paramedic family, I did tried with Dynamo to create these edges on a basic geometry but the problem is that I can’t use different angles of fillet on different edges. And also, even if I can, then I have to export from Dynamo a .sat and load it back in the family which is not ideal.
Is there a Revit modelling guru around here?

Thank you.

Kind regards.


Hi, I would just create the object with one extruded L shape and cut the chamfers using a swept void (with a parametric profile if you want) around the horizontal perimeter. You could even use some nested parameters to control the whole thing dimensionally if you wanted. I’ll upload a sample tmw if I get a chance. Hope that helps :grinning:


Just illustrating what @Ewan_Opie already said:

Creating parametric void extrusions could work to achieve similar result.


Nice one @viktor_kuzev exactly what I had in mind. :+1:t2:

Here is a Dynamo way (a little tedious though) …
SolidFillet.dyn (27.5 KB)
SolidFillet.rvt (1.6 MB)

Not really.
You could try FamilyType.ByGeometry (as demonstrated in the above file)
It presently has problems with material assignment from Dynamo, but should serve your purpose.