Geometry.DoesIntersect doesn't sense the Intersection

Hello everybody, Although the Items Intersect (In Dynamo and in Revit) and I make it Cross Product the Geometry.DoesIntersect give all the values False. Can anyone help please?

Looks like True should be true in the code block leading into the AllIndiciesOf node, as the boolean value for true is true, while the upper case is not defined and therefore is currently a null object.

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Hi @M_S I would try with “list any true node” set to level2 after your geometryintersect and use filterboolmask or as Jacob say AllIndiciesOf node

Actually Changing the Case senstivity for the True Solved the Issue thanks so much. and also thanks for the prompt response

The issue that the True was in Capital letters so Dynamo didn’t sense it as a Var

By the way, what is the purpose of using ListIndexOf? It’s rather slow with large lists. You can use FilterByBoolMask instead with @@L2 on Mask input.