Hi all, could someone please share an example of utilising the Create Compound System and Create Compound Layer nodes?
I’m trying to learn how to use them to effectively generate wall types, but I can’t find too much guidance. I’m mainly struggling with the Number of Layers Exterior & Interior inputs, I’m not sure how they influence the output.
Could be a lacing issue, element type you’re feeding in or list level. If you post another script screenshot with every node going into those main nodes with the list below the node pinned open. Will be easier to help.
Yes sorry, this was an end-of-day question before I left work! I’ve tackled it again this morning, and found my issue; I was creating a single layer wall, then trying to add layers to it. I’m now feeding in lists of materials, layer functions and thickness, and its working as intended!
Script attached for anyone who comes across this thread with similar issues: