Generic data type as input to a nodemodel

Hello All,
I know that if we have, for example, a string input to our node we use something like this:
var designSectionName = AstFactory.BuildStringNode(DesignSectionName);

but how about a generic data type, like a Revit Instance of structural framing.

How do we do that?

Thank you for the response. I think my question was a bit misleading. I know about the Revit API and have used it often and have developed some zero-touch nodes for Dynamo using the Revit API.

But I am new to developing NodeModel (explicit nodes) for Dynamo. I am following some limited examples in the web. For example this one: NodeModel Case Study - Custom UI · GitBook (

It looks like for each node input we need to have a line such as this:

var designSectionName = AstFactory.BuildStringNode(DesignSectionName);

this is for a string input. But I don’t know how to do it for a generic type.