How to know NodeModel's type in Revit API?

Hi, I want to run dynamo description.
And when the description have input value user have to input, I want to show window and to allow users to enter values like Dynamo player.

I success to get nodes that ‘IsInput = true’, but there are too many different types of nodes to classify (DoubleSlider, FileName, SelectElement… etc.).

string path = @".dyn path";

IDictionary<string, string> journalData = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { Dynamo.Applications.JournalKeys.ShowUiKey, false.ToString() }, // don't show DynamoUI at runtime
    { Dynamo.Applications.JournalKeys.AutomationModeKey, true.ToString() }, //run journal automatically
    { Dynamo.Applications.JournalKeys.DynPathKey, "" }, //run node at this file path
    { Dynamo.Applications.JournalKeys.DynPathExecuteKey, true.ToString() }, // The journal file can specify if the Dynamo workspace opened from DynPathKey will be executed or not. If we are in automation mode the workspace will be executed regardless of this key.
    { Dynamo.Applications.JournalKeys.ForceManualRunKey, false.ToString() }, // don't run in manual mode
    { Dynamo.Applications.JournalKeys.ModelShutDownKey, true.ToString() },
    { Dynamo.Applications.JournalKeys.ModelNodesInfo, false.ToString() }

DynamoRevitCommandData dynamoRevitCommandData = new DynamoRevitCommandData();
dynamoRevitCommandData.Application = uiApp;
dynamoRevitCommandData.JournalData = journalData;

DynamoRevit dynamoRevit = new DynamoRevit();
Result externalCommandResult = dynamoRevit.ExecuteCommand(dynamoRevitCommandData);

DynamoRevit.RevitDynamoModel.OpenFileFromPath(path, true);

List<NodeModel> nodeModels = DynamoRevit.RevitDynamoModel.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.ToList();
List<NodeModel> isInputNodes = new List<NodeModel>();
List<NodeModel> isOutputNodes = new List<NodeModel>();

foreach (NodeModel node in nodeModels)
    if (node.IsSetAsInput) isInputNodes.Add(node);
    if (node.IsSetAsOutput) isOutputNodes.Add(node);

I want to classihy node’s type of ‘isInputNodes’
How can I do this?


check out this topic

do you want create a node or a .dyf costum node ?

No, I don’t want create node. I I want to read a node that has already been created in a .dyn file and put a value in it.

It sounds like you are trying to make another dynamo player like addin for Revit. I looked at this some for relay but never got around to developing further.

If I were to share the code it would be on GitHub under the GPL license that I have there.

And this list is going to continue to grow.

You’ll need to generate a method for serializing the right type of content for each node that can be marked as an input, including those from additional packages (Dynamo for Forma has several) and Revit/Civil 3D/other hosts.

What is the end goal?

My goal is make unother dynamo player like @john_pierson said