Hi. @trygve.wastvedt,
I wasn’t know that the process of six split Dynamo runs when GD runs. I recognized that it was calculated by classifying several results, as it would generate four results each when run in Randomize.
First of all, after GD run, I don’t know what Dynamo processes are in Task Manager. So, I checked as below image.
Does the Dynamo Process you are talking about mean ‘RevitBrowseSubprocess’ below?
The version where the W/L value of a very simple square is modified also doesn’t get results. You can also see it in the post above.
I was able to check the GD deliverables when running in 2023 version. After updating to 2023.3 version, the result is not as shown in the image below.
I run GD on version 2025.3 with the same file 1:38 minutes. And I can’t see the image with 4 results of 1:41 minutes being scored.
I shut down the Revit and Dynamo at 1:40 and ran it again, but it kept going back.
Task Manager’s ‘RevitBrowseSubprocess’ was equal to 1:40 minutes.
Check the score of 1:45:8/40 and leave for a short meeting.
After the meeting, I saw the results at 2:45 and they all went back to 40/40. ‘RevitBrowseSubprocess’ was reduced to one.
Finally, when I checked the packages, I can see “DynamoPlayer Extension”.
Q. Separate question: do all studies fail on 2025.3 on this machine, or just the study for your project?
A. Yes, that’s right. All studies fails on my desktop computer.
I checked your new checklist as above, thank you for taking the time to check.