Generate stake table, coordinate and code, based on corridor code

I am developing a solution to generate a coordinate table based on a list of codes provided by the user.

Input Data:
1-List of codes: [“code1”, “code2”, “code3”] (the user can provide as many codes as desired).
2-Corridor selection.

1-The routine should read the corridor frequency and, for each frequency of each region of the corridor, proceed with the next step.

2-Every 10 meters, for example, it should collect the coordinates specified by the code, and include the code as a “description”.

This process will allow automation and precision in data collection, facilitating the management of coordinates along the selected corridor.

Maybe a stupid question, but why do you want to extract coordinates and not stationing and offset? I should only deliver coordinates for a object if it wasn’t related to a Alignment and a profile. At least we did that way when I worked as a surveyor.

At one point I wanted to test passing the coordinates of each element of my geometry, of my road, instead of passing only the axis coordinate and, in the field, making the displacement as you mentioned.

And from the experience of the field staff, they preferred it this way, that I pass the coordinates of each element, with the appropriate descriptions. For them, this way was more practical.