I am new to this forum. I am not an expert in coding. The issue is with the python code FromRoom[phase] and ToRoom[phase]. Both of these returns null if the corresponding room is placed inside a Design Option. Any solution anyone?
What are you trying to achieve and are you set on python for a specific reason?
I am trying to get the rooms on either side of an opening(door/window). Room.Doors by Clockwork doesn’t seem to work when the rooms and openings are inside design options.
Yes there is some problem in room nodes (Ex. FromRoom or ToRoom).
and this is not a ideal solution, i know but one of the solution of the above problem.
Room details for door window.dyn (91.4 KB)
does this work starting from here?
Sorry to revive an old thread, but curious if anyone has found a solution for this.
Just to explain my conditions. We have a large multi-purpose space as the base bid for a project. But we have an alternate to split that space into a smaller MP space and another classroom space. Therefore, there is no room in the main model. The primary option has one room for the whole space, and the secondary option has a wall through the space, and two rooms.
In the main model, there are two doors on exterior walls enclosing both options. These doors/walls don’t change in the options, so they are part of the main model. When any of the various Door Room nodes runs, it is looking for main model rooms to associate with the main model doors, but there is no main model room.
I understand why Dynamo isn’t reading the “To Room” or “From Room” in these cases. If a door is in the main model, it looks for adjacent rooms in the main model. Revit is smart enough to tell that if there is no room in the main model, to pull the rooms from the design options. How do we get Dynamo to do that? Is this an API issue or just a shortcoming of the custom nodes I’ve tried (Clockwork and Crumple). Any other suggestions for nodes to try?