Floors from Room Boundary

Hello Guys,

i am an absolutely Beginner in Dynamo with Revit. I try to create floors from the rooms. A popular simple script. The script does work well, but i am not found the multiple “Select Room Elements” for select more than one room. You have a tipp for me.

Try >>

“Rooms” >> Category.ByName >> AllElementsOfCategory
String >> This is the node name >> This is the node name

That will get you all rooms.

You need to extract the floor types and the levels from each of the rooms as a list to feed into your final node.

Hi @s.hofer6LSK7 ,

The “Select Room Element” node you are using is a renamed Select Model Element node.
To be able to select multiple Revit objects use the node Select Model Elements.

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Hi Alien,

thanks a lot for yuor tipp. This works great for all rooms.

Hi Daan,

thanks for you advice, This works exactly as we as desired. Greating

Keep an eye on my channel next week on YT (aussie bim guru). I have a tutorial queued up that shows a method to undertake this task including finish by room parameter and finish boundaries including holes (using revit 2022+).

Hi Dan,

the script now works well, but if i select all object in the Model e.g. walls, rooms, don’t work. Exist a possiblity to insert a filter in the script so that filter only the rooms.
Otherwise i have to isolate the rooms in the model before i start the script.

Kind reguards

Hi @s.hofer6LSK7 ,

I see, a simple filter like this works wonders:

The Object.Type node is really handy here to help you understand types and their names.

Hi Dan,

thank for your help, this is exactly what i want. It is possible to fixed the boundary lines from the floor on the inside Wall surface, so that when i move the wall, the floor is automatically updated?
In manually mode i fixed the lines with the lock at the wall inside surface.

Best regards

I don’t know how to do that through Dynamo.
Also, it would be better if you started a new topic regarding this question, also maybe add some screenshots.

HI Dan,

ok, i will open a new topic. Thank’s for your help.