Finding point coordinates within a specific coordinate system

Given a bunch of points and a specific coordinate system, I want to extract pt.X pt.Y values, not from the world coordinate system but from that specific coordinate system. How do I do that?

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@jnoordzij ,

here we had similar issues


hello, maybe try this track


Do you want to move the points, or get the XYZ values in the new coordinate system?

Do you want to move the points, or get the XYZ values in the new coordinate system?

I just wanted to get XYZ values in the new coordinate system.

I have solved it in the following way:

For a point P:

  • construct a vector V from the coordinate system’s origin O to that point P
  • get the dot-product between vector V and the coordinate system’s X axis, thereby getting the ‘X component’ of vector V in the given coordinate system
  • do the same for the Y axis, getting the Y component

You can use “BriMohareb_2023” pakege it has node to get point coordinate based on cs. @jnoordzij

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For everybody interested in a reproduction, here is something you can use / better understand the idea


demo_cs_coords.dyn (48.3 KB)