Hello everyone,
I’m trying to find the intersection point when my pipes clashes walls.
I’m working on an empty file wich has in link the pipes model and walls model.
I write this script, but the intersection points I get are not the ones I expect. Is anyone see where i am wrong ?
I’m using the ElementIntersectsElementFilter to see which walls intersect the different pipes. Then by getting their center line, I get the intersection point with basics geometrical opérations but it doesn’t seems to wrok.
Just for you to know, I’m not using Dynamo’s functions cause I want to develop it in C# as a plugin and I’m only writing it in dynamo to control the geometry with a conversion from the revit geometry to the dynamo one.
here is the test Model I used :
Thanks in advance for your help.
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Plumbing import *
from Autodesk.Revit.Creation import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
#from DSCore import Math
import math
import Revit
import DSCore
from DSCore import *
import Autodesk
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
uiapp = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication
wall_lnk = IN[0]
pipe_lnk = IN[1]
walls = FilteredElementCollector(wall_lnk).OfClass(Wall)
pipes = FilteredElementCollector(pipe_lnk).OfClass(Pipe)
# géométrie
walls_UW = UnwrapElement(walls.ToElements())
opt = Options()
geo = []
for i in range(len( walls_UW )):
# --------------------- CANA --------------------
pipes_UW = UnwrapElement(pipes.ToElements())
# Lignes d'axes canalisations
licana = [i.Location.Curve.ToProtoType() for i in pipes_UW]
# Vecteur directionnel
startpt = [i.StartPoint for i in licana]
endpt = [i.EndPoint for i in licana]
vector = [Vector.ByTwoPoints(x,y) for x,y in zip(startpt,endpt)]
# Angle des canalisations par rapport à Z
angle = [Vector.AngleWithVector(x, Vector.ZAxis() ) for x in vector]
#filtres canalisations verticales
vert = [True if -0.001<an<0.001 or 179.99<an<180.001 else False for an in angle]
pipes_nv = List.FilterByBoolMask(pipes_UW, vert)["out"]
# Lignes des canalisations
cu =[]
p1 = []
p2 = []
d = []
for i in pipes_nv:
sp = i.Location.Curve.GetEndPoint(0)
sp2 = XYZ(sp.X, sp.Y, 0)
ep = i.Location.Curve.GetEndPoint(1)
ep2 = XYZ(ep.X, ep.Y, 0)
cu.append(Line.CreateBound(sp2, ep2).ToProtoType())
#Coeff droite cana
a1 = []
for i, j in zip(p1, p2):
a1.append( (j.Y - i.Y) / (j.X - i.X) )
#calcul de b pour cana
b1 = []
for i, j in zip(p1, a1):
b1.append( i.Y - (j * i.X ) )
# ---------------- INTERSECTION ----------------
inter = []
for i in pipes_nv:
# ------------------ MURS ----------------------
# Lignes des murs
line_wall = []
p3 = []
p4 = []
for j in inter:
p3_temp = []
p4_temp = []
line_temp = []
for i in j:
p3b = i.Location.Curve.GetEndPoint(0)
p3_temp.append( XYZ(p3b.X, p3b.Y, 0) )
p4b = i.Location.Curve.GetEndPoint(1)
p4_temp.append( XYZ(p4b.X, p4b.Y, 0) )
#Coeff droite murs
a2 = []
for f, g in zip(p3, p4):
a2_temp = []
for i, j in zip(f, g):
a2_temp.append( (j.Y - i.Y) / (j.X - i.X) )
#calcul de b pour murs
b2 = []
for f, g in zip(p3, a2):
b2_temp= []
for i, j in zip(f, g):
b2_temp.append( i.Y - (j * i.X ) )
# -------------------- POINT INTER -------------------
# Calcul de x
x = []
for i, j in zip(a2, b2):
x_temp = []
for m, n, o, p in zip(i, j, a1, b1):
x_temp.append( ( p - n) / ( m - o) )
# Calcul de y
y = []
for i, j, k in zip(x, a2, b2):
y_temp = []
for m, n, o in zip(i, j, k):
y_temp.append( ( n * m ) + o )
# point d'intersection
pti = []
for i, j in zip(x, y):
pti_temp = []
for a, b in zip(i, j):
pti_temp.append( XYZ(a, b, 0).ToPoint() )
OUT = pti, cu, line_wall