Finding intersectionpoints coordinates


I’m trying to find the coordinates of the intersections between a Revit systemfamily (pipes/ducts) and created XY planes by level. I.e. i’m trying to find the points where my vertical pipes and ducts are intersecting when crossing levels.

I wrote a dynamo script trying to find these points. I managed to get as far as finding the intersections.

With Geometry.Doesintersect (cross product) i get the booleans when a pipe or duct is intersecting a level.
With Geometry. Intersect i get Surfaces.

But where to go now? How can i find the coordinates of the intersecting points?

Many thanks for help!

Mark Bruining

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Hi Mark,

It seems like you’re using the Element.Geometry node to get the pipe’s geometry and use that for clashing. A better approach would be to just get the pipe’s location (this will return a curve) and then use that as input for the Geometry.Intersect nodes.
That way it will return a point as result, but it will also be a lot faster.