I’m trying to extract the offset/dimensions shown in the attached picture of a duct transition fitting.
It’s a duct transition going from rectangular to round, and I would like to know the offset from the top of the rectangular duct to the top of the round duct - and also the offset from the left side of the rectangular duct to the left side of the round duct.
Is it possible to use Dynamo to extract these values and put them into a parameter in the family?
Dynamo can extract the diameter of the round duct, and the length and width parameters of the square duct. You can then subtract the diameter from the length and divide by two, and subtract the diameter from the width and divide by two, and then assign these to parameter values assigned to the family instance. Might be possible to read data from the connector as well but I’m not as sure about that.
Thanks, but the problem is, that the round duct is not always placed in the center of the square duct, so it wouldn’t help dividing by two.