Find index of corresponding sublist

Goodday Dynamo users,

I ran into a problem using list.Allindicesof. I think the solution is quite simple but i cannot find it somehow. i’ve uses all posible combinations of levels in the allindicesof node i think :sweat_smile:
Got a list with sublists containing 2 values. i want to find the corresponding sublist in the longer list.

the code block are the values i’m looking for.

Any solutions?

hmm I don’t think this is going to work this way.
You try to get the index of a List as an object, but the List.AllIndicesOf doesn’t work that way.

You can try to generate a “Indentifier” for each list and use that to get the right indices.

I don’t know another way, but I am curious if someone else has another solution.

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This is actually a pretty solid solution, Combining them generates an unique code. this works form me cheers!

I mean, there are so many different ways to do this, but that’s what I’m thinking right now.

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@Sven_de_leau With a one line code, Python can help you here as well!

OUT = [IN[1].index(x) for x in IN[0]]