Filtering Curve & Flat Walls (Wall Orientation)

Hello dynamo developers and users, I am seeking for help in some problem that I’m facing as I’m new in using dynamo for the last 2 month.

The problem I’m facing is that when I’m collecting exterior wall orientation using the custom nodes ‘Wall.ExteriorDirection’ under “archilab”, I’m able to get the correct orientation for flat surface wall but I couldn’t get the correct orientation for curve wall/circular wall as the result will give me opposite orientation. one of the solution that I use was to use the nodes ‘Vector.Reverse’ to get the correct orientation for the curve wall by reversing the vectors.

So what I thought was if let say I have both curve wall and flat wall surface in a building model, is there any nodes allow me to filter between flat wall and curve wall as I don’t want the node ‘Vector.Reverse’ to affect the flat wall orientation when the orientation for flat surface wall are already correct.

Hi I have solve the problem as all I need to do is to press the changed wall orientation at the revit to obtained correct orientation for curve surface wall so I wouldn’t need to use vector.reverse node to switch the vectors.

Good that you already solved it for you case. Altough there would be a way in Dynamo to filter curved an flat walls.
You can use the node Element.GetLocation. This node returns the location of walls. The walls that are curved are most likely Arcs. The flat walls are Lines. That way you can distinguish flat and curved walls.
I bet there are more methods to do so, but here’s what i got:

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wow thanks. it would be a great helped if let say I have a huge building and wouldn’t want to manually click the changes of wall orientation. thanks