Filtering and selecting one type from profile family with multiple types in Dynamo Python by Revit API to extract curves


In my graph I have several profile families, which are not placed in the project, which also have multiple types.

My goal is to create a function which will take profile family and type, find correct type and extract it’s curves as polycurve.

So far, I used code found in the Dynamo forum and can’t create right filter.

I tried two ways - to filter all profiles and get Sketch and try to build FilteredElementParameter to get just a Sketch of one type. So far I don’t know how I can do it properly.

Any tips or ideas how I could access the sketch of particular family type of a family?

Would be thankful for help :slight_smile:

`def profil_to_pcrv(profil):
	doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
	uiapp = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication
	app = uiapp.Application

	type = UnwrapElement(profil.Family.Name)
	name = UnwrapElement(profil.Name)
	family = UnwrapElement(profil).Family

	famDoc = doc.EditFamily(family)
	familyManager = famDoc.FamilyManager
	famCollector = FilteredElementCollector(famDoc)
	#not working
	bip = BuiltInParameter.ELEM_TYPE_PARAM
	provider = ParameterValueProvider(ElementId(bip))
	evaluator = FilterStringEquals();
	rule = FilterStringRule(provider, evaluator, "Get_7,3", False);
	filter = ElementParameterFilter(rule)
	cprof = FilteredElementCollector(famDoc).WherePasses(filter).OfClass(Sketch)
	#not working as well
	bip = BuiltInParameter.ELEM_TYPE_PARAM
	provider = ParameterValueProvider(ElementId(bip))
	evaluator = FilterStringEquals();
	rule = FilterStringRule(provider, evaluator, "Get_7,3", False);
	filter = ElementParameterFilter(rule)
	cprof2 = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_ProfileFamilies).WherePasses(filter).OfClass(Sketch)
	sketch = famCollector.OfClass(Sketch)

	for i in sketch:
		cArray = list(i.Profile)
	cArray[:] = [[Revit.GeometryConversion.RevitToProtoCurve.ToProtoType(y, True ) for y in x] for x in cArray]
	polycurve = PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves(cArray[0], False)
	return cprof`