Hello. I’ve been fighting this thing for a while now and I think it’s time to ask for help. I am working on a U shaped layout building, I need to group walls by orientation, which I achieved by modifying the Wall.NorthSouthEastWest node from Rhythm (with help). The issue is that I have a courtyard, so I have 2 facades oriented East, for example, and I need to be able to select them as different groups. So far, I’ve been able to organize their curves, add planes and separate those by a tolerance with Spring nodes Geometry.GroupbyDistance, but I can’t tie that back to the original collection of walls, could you please give me a hand? Thank you in advance.
Springs has two version of that node. You are most likely looking for Element.GroupByDistance and not Geometry.GroupByDistance. Which takes a list formated the same way as the geometry and gives it the same treatment
Thank you, I appreciate, I can’t find that node in the Springs package, could you please path me to the category? I am using Dynamo 2.03
Thank you
Springs/ Revit / Utility / Elements
That node was added in 110.1.0, you have 110.0.2. Try updating spring nodes
Thank you very much for your time and advice, it did work, I input the planes I had generated into the geometry input of the node, so this actually made that previous effort worth the while, again, thank you very much