hi to all!
I would like filter my ELEMENT by workset befor ELEMENT.FACES… is it possible? because I would be able to choose the work area on the same project.
is there any function?
thank you so much for your help
hi to all!
I would like filter my ELEMENT by workset befor ELEMENT.FACES… is it possible? because I would be able to choose the work area on the same project.
is there any function?
thank you so much for your help
Thanks for your answer Vikram!
but I want to filter items for worksets and work only with the workset i have chose.
not group them for workset.
I wish could choose with a string the workset for work with a few items at a time
Once you’ve grouped them by worksets, you can then choose one or more groups to extract and work with further.
I’d suggest the grouping approach I’ve provided above, but if you want to filter one at a time…
FilterByWorkset.dyn (9.5 KB)
I’m not very practical to use the groups but now I try!!
Hi Kul,
where i found the node Filter element list by workset Name?
Bakery Package
TOP!! Thanks
@Vikram_Subbaiah Getting the workset names from the element parameters node… just what I needed and couldn’t quite get there. Thanks!