Filter certain Categories from the List of Categories

Hello everyone,

I am hope you’re all strong and healthy and doing well. :slight_smile:

I took all elements from curtain levels and I got theirs categories.So now I want to filter curtain Categories from this list.At the end of the Node “Filter by Boolean Mask” I need to have both Outputs, In and Out but it shows Empty List as “In” at the end. Do you know maybe how to resolve this?

Many thanks in advance…

Hi! You need to set cross-product lacing for == node, and then add node Booleans.Any True with @L2 to get proper mask.

And connect mask from Booleans.AnyTrue to Filter By BoolMask

Hello Andriy, thank you for your reply. I tried lacing to set as “cross product” for =, but the rest that you’re saying didn’t get it. Should I add a new filter by boolean and then add node boolean or? Just attaching this part of the script…

Hi again! There is a custom node Booleans.AnyTrue from Clockwork package. It is helpful to use it when you have mask as a list of lists. This node shows if there are at least 1 true value in each sublist on @L2. As a result it gives you in output a flat list of true/false values. So this flat list of booleans we can use in Filter by bool mask.
Here you can see an example of this workflow

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Hello Andriy, thank you very, very much for your help.

Actually also I missed the node “Object to string”.That was the key because in the = list I didn’t have true and false values, just false…
In attachtment is the solution if someone needs it…Have a nice day :).

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