Thanks a lot @Alban_de_Chasteigner ,
It works well. But it exports all the 3D views from the file.
Instead, I just want only one overall 3D view from each file into IFC and the IFC file name should be same as source Revit file.
Which node should I use to achieve it?
Hi @santhoshkumar.s,
I split the topic as it is no longer related to IFC export.
To obtain the name of a Revit file, use the Documents Properties node.
In this case, you must know the name of the 3D view and filter by name these views.
Use the View ByName node.
Thanks a lot, @Alban_de_Chasteigner, you are a genius! it almost worked.
I have followed the nodes and lacings as shown below:
For testing, I tried with the 3 Revit files.
But only one IFC was exported with this file name “Project2.ifc”. Three IFC files supposed to be exported.
Please guide me to fix this issue. Also, kindly advise me on how to export the Revit files into IFC 4 version.
Thanks so much, @Alban_de_Chasteigner,
It works perfectly the way I expected. I am so grateful.
You are a Star!!!