FamilyType[] to FamilyType

Hi Everyone,

I am going from selecting a family from a UI++ dropdown to a FamilyInstance.ByPointand Level node. The warning I am getting is telling me that my input is a Revit.Elements.FamilyType , but the node input wants a Revit.Elements.FamilyType (no bracket pair ) connection. Is there a way to change the …FamilyType? I will post a dynamo network tomorrow, if that will help.

Thanks in advance!

The bracket [] indicates you have a list of family types, not a single instance.

List.FirstItem will pull the first item out of the list, so if you only have one thing in it you’ll be good to go; but if you have many, you’ll need to look into list lacing and list levels…

Hi Jacob,

First, thank you for your help.

I extracted the relevant nodes from my network to test this and it works (posted image).

But when I return to my full node network and insert & connect a List.FirstItem or List.Flatten node, the familyType warning returns.

I am now researching list lacing and list levels.

Your image is illegible. Make sure the node names are visible before taking a screenshot and be sure to pin all your node preview bubbles.

Check the list structure of the output list first and then determine what’s necessary to reduce to a single item. You may need a Flatten and a FirstItem since Flatten still returns a list. You could also just use @L1 list level to force each family type in the list to be placed.

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Ooops! Sorry about that.

Trying out your solution.

Thank you, Nick_Boyts!

Flatten did the trick. I turns out I that the user input for level in the full node network was the culprit. Resolving that is for another topic.

Thank you, NIck_Boyts