Family Workplane Dynamo problem (Manhole)

I want to use dynamo to produce the Revit family. If I make my own family, I can adjust the highest level of the family to the host based on my height. Excel is responsible for creating it. But if the family is host by the workplane, I have any way to use dynamo to generate it?

With Dynamo, you’re not generating the family. You need to build the family in the family editor, and constrain its geometry with the parameters. Then, place the family instances in the project. After that, you can use dynamo to add values to family parameters. In your case, those would be instance parameters.

Hi, dynamo doesn’t impose any restrictions on you (apart from the one that Revit doesn’t want you to tickle via the API)


Well, sorry, this was just my beginner delusion. I fell into the manhole. I didn’t see it, cause it was modeled with dynamo.

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No problem :wink:, we learn something every day, which I like here


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We do! Maybe in the future I will notice that mysterious manhole! Its one of a kind.