Translated by moderator. See below the line for original post.
Hello, I am new to Dynamo and I would like to know if it is possible to create families from a mesh taken from a point cloud, whether the mesh is in .obj, .dxf, .sat, etc. format (here I would not know which is the best option or which one Dynamo allows me). My idea is to create families massively, since in the traditional way in Revit I have to go mesh by mesh creating families.
And in addition to creating the families, I would also like to create parameters and assign values to them from an excel (I do not know if this is done in the same Dynamo file or if I first create the families and then create the parameters and assign the values to them).
In short, I would like to create all the families massively, also create all the parameters at once and assign them to those families, and also assign the values of each parameter. I hope I have explained myself correctly.
I am attaching an image of the meshes that I want to convert into a family.
It would be very helpful to achieve this.
Thank you very much
Original post below.
Hola, soy nuevo con dynamo y me gustaría saber si se pueden crear familias a partir de una malla sacada de una nube de puntos, ya sea la malla en formato .obj, .dxf, .sat, etc (aquí no sabría cual es la mejor opción o cual me permite dynamo). Mi idea es crear familias masivamente, ya que de la manera tradicional en revit tengo que ir malla a malla creando familias.
Y además de crear las familias, tambien me gustaría crear parámetros y asignarle valores a partir de un excel (esto no se si se hace en el mismo archivo de dynamo o primero creo las familias y despues ya creo los parametros y le asigno los valores).
En resumen, me gustaria crear masivamente todas las familias, además crear todos los parámetros de una vez y asignárselos a esas familias, y además asignarle los valores de cada parámetro. Espero haberme explicado correctamente.
Adjunto una imagen de las mallas que quiero convertir en familia.
Me sería de gran ayuda llegar a conseguirlo.
Muchas gracias.
Welcome to the forum @acerezoc !
The official language here is English, which sadly is a requirement to make search work. Otherwise I’d practice my Swedish in all my posts. Going forward please use a translation service of your choice to convert your posts to English prior to posting. Feel free to keep the original text in a separate part of the post as I did in the edit as it might help should we ever get bi-lingual capability.
Converting a mesh format to to a Dynamo family is certainly doable; look into the FamilyType.ByGeometry node, or the FamilyInstance.ByGeometry node from the springs package. For more advance capabilities there are some good nodes in the Synthesis package as well.
Note that file performance won’t be ideal for families created this way; things being 1mm out of plane are generally best left ‘flat’ in design models, as the resulting accuracy isn’t achievable on site. The particular degree of accuracy required will vary per task, so be sure to cull points from your mesh to reach a workable state (this is where most if not all point clouds fail at automation from a design standpoint).
Hello Jacob, I have managed to import my mesh in SAT format into Dynamo, but I can’t create the family. What could I be doing wrong? And how could I save the generated family to my computer from Dynamo? I would also like to ask how I could perform this process with multiple meshes at the same time. Thank you very much
Looks pretty epic!
The error is pretty self explanatory. Each geometry in the list of geometries needs it’s own name. My instinct is that you have multiple meshes in the sat, could also be that you already have a family named ‘B2’ somewhere in the project. Can’t know for sure without all the files. Make sure you only have one geometry, and try a random set of characters for the name to troubleshoot. If you get a new error that’s a valid data point. 
Also FamilyType.ByGeometry and a FamilyInstance.ByPoint (using the minimum point of the mesh) might help of it is the springs node giving you issues.
I’m sending you the files so you can test them. I only have one imported mesh. Thank you.