- I did as you suggested to look for parameter for the id, it shows it as window, and the anomiay was actually Phase shown as number. You could see that in the SelectPhase Node. It was mentioned in another Topic that some Phases are shown as Text and some as Numbers, dont know why. My guess was that the PythodScript was not working due to this Phase. So I tried to skip that particular Window ( maybe there could be another more efficient way to filter ), still the PythonScript remained yellow.
(Rooms) Phase and Phase Id - Revit - Dynamo (dynamobim.com)
When I delete all the windows to upload , that anomaly is gone, is there anyother way to upload files bigger than 4 mb ?
I extracted the room paramters and pinched it to each window as I intended ( see image ). I converted all windows CreatePhase to New, and then your Script worked perfectly fine.
So in a way, I achieved what I intended, ( assign room name to each window in a new parameter ) but as you said, it wont work with correct Phases. Also, is there a way to skip/set null when no room name data is found in particular room ?