Family Instance by Curve Returns null

Ive never had a problem with this graph which ive used on multiple scripts. it normaly works flawlessly. but now the family instance by curve is returning ‘null’. The Family is a line based family. Any Ideas??

Revit Family :
Beam Clearance Family.rfa (352 KB)

Beam Clearances.dyn (17.3 KB)


This happened after you install any package?

Try uninstalling clockwork package and install again.

okay ill try to reinstall but i just finished a graph moments before i started that one. And it had the same set up. Keep you posted

@Kulkul I unistalled and reinstalled. then restarted my CP. It still doesnt work.

@ZJRODGERS I downloaded and tested the script. I have no issues with the script. I ran it with Dynamo 1.3 and clockwork 0.9.x.

@NLDaniel I use that graph for alot of things that i do and it works on all my previous ones and not on this one… i might have to uninstall dynamo and reinstall it…

I Ended up reinstalling dynamo and it works now! thank you all for your input!