Hello all,
I’ve been trying to place families around curved surface but they are coming straight upright, whereas I want them to be perpendicular to each points. Refer image.
Hi Soren!
Yes all’s good, hope the same for you.
I may sound Naive but i wasn’t able to place family using this, can you show?
A simple extrusion will work.
@Draxl_Andreas it can be on any surface. And points won’t be always simple grid but stacked.
You did that manually? That’s great.
How to do, what is it called? I’ll search it on youtube.
Hi Soren, looks good.
I also tried this and it was working but my concern is since it is a facebased family, it won’t rotate to some angle, it gives error.
Your above approach of creating lines will help me, just i’m not able to find familyinstance by line node, or something similar?
it will solve by issue of later rotation as well since i’ll be able to give vector direction.
Hi Soren,
I’m not sure if I got you correctly.
Above using mepover package pipes are getting created using the same method and pipes are system families. Cannot the same thing be used to create line based families?
because in clockwork’s node, all families are falling down, that means not using the input lines correctly.
arhh you mean the linebased family will always be insert on the level ? i would go with a workplane based family as shown, or just extrude a solid from the lines and then use familyinstance geometry from springs or synthezise
Hi Soren,
thanks for the suggestion.
But it looks like a bit complicated, I tried it.
I feel there must be a simpler solution to it. I’ll try to solve this and will update here.
Meanwhile if anyone can comeup with any, please let us know.
Amigo @atharva.purohit466SX buenas. for your case it may be better to use the node: Surface.NormalAtPoint like this each element will have its own normal reference to the surface, I leave you an example, i hope this helps you.
Buenos dias Gilberto, Muchas Gracias!
Yes I used NormalAtPoint node only.
And for placing families I used StructuralFraming.BeamByCurve and it solved my purpose.
Tak @sovitek , Danke @Draxl_Andreas , Gracias @gilberto.arechigaiba , for assisting, everyone’s input helped in it.
Putting my script snip here if someone needs it in future.