Place family at point

Im trying to place family’s based on points. I can place family’s but they didnt come out the way i wanted. The blue dots on the picture are my points. i would like to place a family on this face of the wall aiming to the core of the wall. They currently get placed on the bottom of the wall (correct X and Y coordinate). The rotation is also wrong … The graph i got so far is shown below.

The family i m trying to place: NLRS_21_SF_FB_boutanker 1988 M16x140_VPB.rfa (376 KB)
The script: (Dynamo 2.x) Forum Family on exterior face point.dyn (46.8 KB)

Any help is greatly appriciated!

never got ꟿ FamilyInstance.ByFaceAndPoint to work. Dont know why. If you find a solution please message me.

With the 3 other Nodes you positioning the Family. But you can rotate your FamilyInstance after

@wusaga thanks for your reply, in this example i used only 1 point. but for my project i need to work with 100’s of points on different walls, with different family instances and their rotations.

Shouldnt it be possible to place a family instance at face / host / point ? The red circle is where my script placed it. the blue dot inside the greencircle is the point where my family instance should be placed. (i placed this one manual to show what i’m trying to achieve.)

I think the HostObject.ExteriorSurface node does not recover the surface of your walls.
I add some knots to find what these surfaces correspond to.
Forum Family on exterior face point.dyn (33.2 KB)


Sorry for the late Reply… It seems to work! i dont really understand the graph but i m gonna look into it :slight_smile:

I did find something that could go wrong in your approach:

The red Node compares surface area. but what if the area of interior and exterior side are the same?
I replaced it with the green node… but my question is are the Surfaces always ordered the same?
Is surface at index 1 always the exterior side?

See attached image below, i marked the exterior side with green and red lines. The green one is good and the red ones are placed wrong. The family is to long to fit the wall, this is just because its easyer to see whats going wrong until the script is flawless :slight_smile:

Would u know how to place family’s on face next to / above a opening in wall? I dont know how to get acces to lines or points of the wall opening / window.

This is the topic:

Several ways to do it, you want to recover the 8 points?

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How do you keep association to the wall the window is in?

If you draw for example 3 walls, and 1 wall has a window. i want to place family’s on the walls face along the window.

My latest version of the script:
Forum 2.dyn (85.5 KB)

Many ways too
One of the ways:

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i m getting closer and closer to a solution but its still hard. If i had a wall with 2 windows, this method gives me 24 points. but i only want the 4 points per window on the exterior face off the wall.
This graph is alot harder then i first thought :confused:

I managed to get points on the Exterior surface now. by using HostObject.ExteriorSurface and then Topology.Vertices.

The next challange is: how to get the “Inner points”.

It seems they are not ordered logical. see the 2 images below.
How can i filter the corners of the wall out ? so i keep only the points that represent the corners of openings.

@Akli.baliche Thx for pushing me the right way :slight_smile:
Here the final solution… it only works if the windows / doors are completely inside the wall.
in my case they are because its a precast concrete panel.

The final solution:

If not:
-To rent the doors and windows
-Search the dimesions of these

  • with a little geometry, you move the point of the hiring with the dimensions and the placement vector
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