Failed to specify the OmniClass parameter value of the family file

Hello, I would like to ask why the OmniClass parameter value in the family file cannot be changed? (Because I failed to use dyamo to change the OmniClass value of the component, I want to change it directly in Revit.)
Or I can only select the number provided by Revit and cannot enter it manually?

But the value I want to specify is not in the OmniClass list provided by Revit. The OmniClass manual I refer to is this.

In addition, why the numbers provided in this txt are different from the OmniClass list provided by Revit?

And I found that when opening different family files, the OmniClass list provided by Revit will be different.

did you tried with python script, some thing like that ?

elementType = doc.GetElement(element.GetTypeId())
omniClassNumber = elementType.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.OMNICLASS_CODE)
OUT =. omniClassNumber

You might need to update the taxonomy file associated with revit.

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It works! Thank you!