I need to set the objects selected through ExternalBlock.Objects in color bylayer. Do you know if there is any way to do this?
Thank you very much
Thanks, but what I’m looking for is to do it from this node.
I don’t think I understand what you want to do with the Objects. I thought you are trying to set the Objects’ color by layer? If so, that’s what the Object.SetColor node does. The one you sent sets the Object’s layer. What is the issue?
Sorry, i´m looking to put the color bylayer in multiple drawings at the same time, using the Camber External nodes.
Hola amigo @javi_lapina buenas, is not the best practice to change the porpertys of the file that we are using as xref or link in revit but that depends of the style of each one, in autocad you can override the color of yours xref’s in the Layer properties manager i advice to do this instead. Dynamo is thought to work on one only open file at a time, the nodes what you are trying to use is to manipulate external files not necesarly has to be open be carefull because you can damage things on this files and you wouldn’t even notice it, hope this helps you!
Oh okay. I haven’t used these nodes before. I don’t see the relevant node to change color of an external object. It would be good to know what and why you need to change this. Surely there will be a workaround.