Hello all,
Hopefully a simple one. What are the ways in which you can export geometry to Revit? I know the ImportInstance.ByGeometry node, however this gives .SAT files that aren’t of much use in a real modelling environment (to my knowledge!).
Is there a way to port Geometry into a Modeled In-Place Family? Or a standard family? End game would be actually being able to use the Visibility Graphics with it 
As an example: Railings in our current project are not happy, so I created a 10 minute ‘dumb’ Dynamo definition to explore the possibilities of it.
Would of course, if I can figure out the geometry transfer, make it into a functioning Definition with sliders and uber code.

Send the geometry to a Generic Model family template - that should give you cuttable geometry at least. Not sure about VG, though.
That’s not a bad fall back, thanks Andreas - I have a sneaking suspicion that the VG thing won’t fly.
I have a question about this, and I would appreciate your help. I have noticed that if I use "ImportInstance.ByGeometry to import a geometry from Dynamo into Revit, let’s say, into a family, I can see the imported geometry into the family editor, fine, but, I can’t select it, I can’t move it, i can’t dimension it, can’t do anything with it. Is this the way it works? It seems that the geometry is a “final output” from Dynamo, not something that I can continue manipulating in the family editor (or in a project). The only way to continue using the geometry is through the nodes in Dynamo. Am I correct?
I know this isn’t about Dynamo, but it might help. Importing .SAT is great to import geometry from Rhino, I had a hard time giving VG-ing it, but eventually I did. here goes how: 1. Link SAT, outside in the project environment (so you can change the material from object styles, you can’t change imported category material when in-place mass) 2. now that you’ve got a proper link established, go to Model-In-Place, Link the SAT again! (doing this you give your imported model a category and you make it totally VG-able) 3. you can delete the model you’ve imported in the project environment, now you can VG and change materials of your Rhino geometry right inside Revit. and as a bonus, you can reload it once you’ve made changes and saved on top of it. This is what’s possible without Dynamo. You can enjoy a much better interobility with Dynamo-Rhynamo.
I would wholeheartedly recommend Dimitar Venkov’s FamilyInstance.ByGeometry node from his spring nodes-package. this imports your dynamo geometry as a family instance in Revit. works like a charm even though it’s still in Beta.
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Another node from the spring nodes is called Form.bygeometry, it works only in the family editor, not in the project enviroment. The familyinstance.bygeometry did not work for me and made dynamo crash.
Alfredo, have you tried exploding the imported instance? I was having the same issues with this, my workflow that solved it was this:
- Import.bygeometry (not bygeometries) into a generic model family template.
2.Explode the geometry inside the familiy editor.
3.if you have multiple geometries exported you can join them in dynamo with “union all” or something similar, or join them in the family editor after you exploded them.
4.now you can import into a project, where you should be able to move it, dimnesion it etc.
In the familiy editor you can somewhat modify the geometry you imported, depending of its shape, i have imported extrusions and the blue arrows are working to change the size of the extrusion.